
It's All about Retail

Exhibitor PROFILE

Company: Laymau China

Country: CHINA

Booth No: 6058

Products: 5 different styles of liquor in Maotai flavor scent with Laymau as brand, including inheritance, Chuan Xi, Gen Artisan, Commemoration to Year of the Dog, and Appreciation & Respect.

About Company:

Established upon the coalition between Kweichow Maotai Co., Ltd and Easy Joy of Sinopec, Laymau China (hereinafter referred to as the company) is a joint-ventured enterprise. Reliant on Maotai’s strong brand strength and ability to produce and operate liquor as well as Easy Joy’s wide channels and networks of promotion, the company is able to deploy and expand its business across China. As one of the national strategic brands supported and fostered by Maotai, Laymau liquor is committed to carrying forward the brilliance of Maotai-flavor liquor.

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