
It's All about Retail

Exhibitor PROFILE

Company: Beijing CSVision Technology Co., Ltd

Country: CHINA

Booth No: S5118

Products: Series products on VMS for video management system, MMS for video modularized memory system, SPS for network gateway service, EMS for integrated security & protection etc.

About Company:

Founded in 2002, Beijing CSVision Technology Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as the company) is both a municipal high-tech enterprise on software and a standing executive member of China Security & Protection Industry Association.

With IP-surveillance software as its business domain, the company is focused on changes of IP-surveillance service as well as strives to provide every user with more well-established and more advanced solutions to integrated security and protection.

As supplier of IP-surveillance software products and services, the company’s strategic goal is to be a leading enterprise serving global clients with IP-surveillance app software. As an independent software supplier, the company practices open philosophy, seeks cooperation in proactive mindsets, propels integration of resources and apps, as well as creates a healthy and win-win ecosystem. As a supplier with specialty in integrated app solutions to IP-surveillance, the company is committed to promoting integration of videos and operations, focused on data mining and video providing service, as well as aimed at enabling data to be safer, more complete and more valuable.

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