
It's All about Retail

Exhibitor PROFILE

Company: Shenzhen Retail Supply Chain Resources Technology Development Co., Ltd

Country: CHINA

Booth No: 9030

Products: Systemic software service as solution to e-commerce marketing, resources interconnection and sharing etc.

About Company:

Committed to providing intelligent marketing service platform for brick-and-mortar stores in various sectors, Shenzhen Retail Supply Chain Resources Technology Development Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as the company) has researched and developed an online interactive platform. Served as an importantly yet technically strategic tool of retail supply chain, its online platform www.kuajieke.com is able to directly help interconnect brands of various industries, brick-and-mortar stores and consumers while realizing real-time sharing on brands’ resources and physical stores’ footfall, thereby enabling more consumers to enjoy the products & services that are marked with “Trans-Industry, Trans-Domain & Trans-Border plus Co-Selling, Co-Benefit & Co-Sharing”.

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