
It's All about Retail

Exchange Salon between Japanese and Chinese Committees of EAS & Loss Prevention

Established in June, 2002, Japan Association of Electronic Article Surveillance Machines (JEAS) is the only organization in Japan exclusively dedicated to eradicating shoplifting. The functional mission exercised by JEAS includes providing assistance for the operation of “safe and sound stores”, establishing mechanisms and arrangements that will support the smooth expansion and development of the market for shoplifting prevention systems, and conducting research and studies for disseminating the use of shoplifting prevention systems. To fulfill its mission for shoplifting prevention, JEAS communicates and coordinates with government agencies, various kinds of organizations, and the news media.

The China-Japan exchange meeting is highlighted with a conflux of members from JEAS as well as CCFA’s Assets Protection & Internal Control Committee; on the occasion, the representatives from both parties will conduct friendly exchange and discussion on current situations and prospective trends of loss prevention across the whole retail business circulation industry in Japan and China.

Topics for Exchange & Discussion

Topic 1—Current Situations of Theft-Related Loss Suffered by China-Japan Retail Industries

Topic 2—Current Situations & Reform Orientations of China-Japan Retail Industries

Topic 3—Research Directions & New Technological Application in Anti-Theft & Loss Prevention

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