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Regional retail companies have three unique advantages


 The development of China's retail industry.
The first is the advantage of corporate culture. Regional retail enterprises have long been rooted in the local market, from single store to chain, from single business to multi-format, enterprises pay more attention to management than to focus on management, relying on employees more than relying on systems. Therefore, the concern and care for employees has become the basis for decisive success, and the “people-oriented” corporate culture has become a prominent feature of regional retailers. So when we walk into these excellent regional companies and their stores, we often feel full of passion and vitality. People-oriented, good at employees, is real, first of all to give employees a good material security, supplemented by "Care for Love" as the core of cultural propaganda and flexible incentives. The enterprise serves the employees well, and the employees go to better serve the customers, forming a positive and positive virtuous circle. This advantage is often difficult for national and international companies to achieve.
The second is the market advantage. Regional enterprises have been deeply cultivating local markets for a long time, and their business formats are increasing. From shopping centers, department stores to home appliances, hypermarkets, community supermarkets, convenience stores, from high-end to low-end, from central business districts to non-core business districts. There is a very dense layout, and many consumers clothing, food, shelter and transportation are consumed in enterprises, thus forming a clear market advantage. From the trust of customers to the sales of shopping cards, from the new business model to the introduction of new brands, it is easier to win the trust of consumers, and the probability of success is greater. In addition, companies have a very large data base for their insights and behaviors.
The third is the advantage of operating capacity. The prefecture-level city or the county-level city and county town, many well-known brands are reluctant to enter, or have no ability to enter, causing many obstacles for the regional enterprises to purchase and purchase. But bad things become good things, regional retail companies know what to do, you dont come, I do it myself, cosmetics, clothing, jewelry, electrical, parent-child services, catering, entertainment, cinema, regional enterprises gradually cultivate their own management team, So some people say that the strongest management team in the regional retail enterprises makes sense. This provides the protection of talents and capabilities for the sustainable development of enterprises. In the aspect of procurement model change, increasing self-collection and cultivating buyers, regional retail enterprises have also taken the lead. Many companies have achieved self-recovery rates of 50%. A large number of buyers have gradually cultivated them during these years. A strong purchasing team lays a very good foundation for the competitiveness, differentiation and guarantee of the future.
The China Retail Fair will be held soon.



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