
It's All about Retail

Exhibitor PROFILE

Company: Michelle Mom Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd

Country: CHINA

Booth No: 2227

Products: Baby’s Only Organic (organic infant formula), Belly Armor (radiation-proof clothing), Kee-Ka (organic children’s wear) and Little Duck Organics (organic snacks for babies).

About Company:

Michelle Mom Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as the company) is one of the largest companies concentrated on organic yet natural products for maternal and infant purpose. Currently, the company is the exclusively general agent of a renowned American organic infant formula brand Baby’s Only Organic in the region of China. In addition, the company is the general agent of following brands in the region of China; for example, Belly Armor a high-end brand of American radiation-proof clothing, Kee-Ka a well-known brand of American organic children’s wear, and Little Duck Organics a famous brand of American organic snacks for babies.

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