
It's All about Retail

Exhibitor PROFILE

Company: China Aquatic Products Processing and Marketing Alliance

Country: CHINA

Booth No: 2023

Products: Industry services and self discipline, quality and safety of aquatic products, international cooperation and market development, as well as information & consultation services.

About Company:

As a national non-profit organization, China Aquatic Products Processing and Marketing Alliance (hereinafter referred to as CAPPMA) comprises the enterprises and the individual merchants that are engaged in the production, processing, transportation and trading of aquatic products, as well as the enterprises, the public institutions and social organizations that are specialized in providing the relevant services such as scientific research, teaching, aquatic products processing and marketing.

CAPPMA’s missions are as follows on the basis of obeying constitutional law, legislation, regulations and state policies along with social morality.

Report its members’ wishes and requirements to the relevant governmental divisions proactively.

Guide its members to implementation of state policies and decrees.

Coordinate the interrelations between its members.

Safeguard its members’ legitimate rights.

Provide technical consultation and information services for its members.

Organize trading talks and technical exchange on aquatic products processing locally and globally.

Facilitate the enhancement of aquatic products processing techniques and management.

Standardize and prosper aquatic products market.

Improve the economic yet social benefits of aquatic products processing and circulating industry.

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