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Big data drives revolutionize the logic of community business


Retail development
In addition to the upgrade of the convenience of the shopping environment, unlike traditional commercial real estate, what new retail sells and how to sell it also uses the Internet and big data algorithms: introducing and selecting brands that are popular or may be popular with consumers. deep cooperation.
-1- “New retail” is the essence of consumption upgrade, different communities have to sell different things
Along with the concept of “new retail”, it is the “consumption upgrade” that the majority of residents will encounter in their lives. Mingyuan Jun seems that the consumption upgrade contains two aspects in the supply side: First, the brand of “Gao Da” in the past has become more accessible to the general population; on the other hand, the brand that used to be ordinary and lacks personality has passed. After the transformation of the Internet, the development of “small and beautiful” is more in line with the pursuit of the younger generation of consumers. Products that cannot adapt to these two changes are being forgotten by consumers in the process.
-2- Big data changes traditional store operation logic
In the transformation of the stock commercial stores, Yintai Commercial chose the direction of transforming the core business of the peoples freight yard. From the past to see the replenishment of the emissions list to optimize the selection through data and intelligence, the mall has become a deep joint venture with the brand from the original agent and lease.
-3- Whether the brand and the community can be deeply integrated, mainly depending on the temperament
04, "high and complete" is not as good as "special and beautiful"
Functional integration, greatly improving space efficiency



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