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China Merchants Huimin invested nearly 2 billion to push the community marketing platform Benoy excellent products


Recently, the fast-moving consumer goods B2B platform, China Huimin low-key on the social marketing platform Benoy excellent products, Chinese business Huimin CEO, Benoy excellent products chairman Zhang Dong said that will invest nearly 2 billion funds to protect the new project convoy.
Benoy Premium is a community marketing platform based on WeChat small program construction. It relies on the community convenience store of more than 500,000 Chinese businessmen, and builds the trust and convenience of the community. High efficiency, penetration of 300 million + consumers. Connect the ecological value of residents and small stores online and offline.
Billion Power learned that the Benoy Premium Project was established in September 2017, and in February 2018 it also received nearly 10 million financing from Kunzhong Capital and Fengyun Capital Angels.
Benoy excellent product program interface
From the perspective of the small program, there are currently two of the five channels on the homepage are still in the process of improvement, and the other three are separately imported into Jingdong self-operated, Chuchu Street overseas purchase and Bainuo self-operated products. In addition, Benoy suppliers include Germanys largest trade import and export trader "Brillant sonnegie GmbH" and China Poverty Alleviation Association project executor Networm shares. On the same day, “Benuo Premium” has 10,000 brands worldwide, more than 100,000 Bainuo merchants and 1 million pointed goods.
It is reported that the Benoy Premium Project was launched in Hangzhou at the end of June, and the Hangzhou Wandian Project was officially launched on the same day. The first batch of ten benchmarking partners were awarded.



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