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Corporate strategy polarization


According to data from the Jingdong Big Data Research Institute, in the early Mid-Autumn Festival, the sales volume of moon cake gift boxes was generally higher than that of moon cakes and moon cake coupons. At the same time, the sales volume of moon cake gift boxes also increased, reaching 3.1 times that of the same period of last year. Moon cakes, sales volume was only 2.1 times that of the same period, and the sales of moon cake coupons was 1.6 times that of the same period of the previous year. According to statistics from Ali, Tmall has sold 100 million moon cakes only from September 1st to 17th. In addition, the trend of youthfulness of mooncake consumers is more obvious this year. The proportion of people who are 18-35 years old who purchase moon cakes accounts for 50%.
Zhu Danpeng pointed out that compared with previous years, this years moon cake market has two major characteristics. The first one is the traditional enterprise camp, which is more pragmatic in terms of packaging, price, ingredients and promotion, and the price is more close to the people; the other is the tide brand. "The brands on the market that have the characteristics of net red, mainly hope to pass the carrier of moon cakes, so that the whole brand appears in the daily scenes of consumers, strengthening brand awareness."
In fact, since the introduction of the "eight regulations" of the central government, the sky-high moon cake has disappeared. One consumer said that he is more concerned about the taste of the moon cake gift box, followed by the appearance, the price can be accepted between 200-400 yuan. But if the price is too high, there is no need for it. "After all, buying moon cakes is for giving away people. The taste is still the most important. It is too luxurious to be suitable and can not reflect the value."
Zhu Danpeng bluntly said that the National Palace is over-packaging. Regarding the trend of the moon cake market, Zhu Danpeng admits to the Beijing Business Daily reporter that from the perspective of the industrial end combined with the consumption side, the entire Chinese moon cake market will still follow the line of the people in the future. "In fact, packaging has been slowly abandoned by many consumers. They pay more attention to the quality of the whole food itself, which is the taste."



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