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How do Chinese local convenience stores surpass 7-11?


1. From pure online to offline: convenience stores ushered in a high growth inflection point

Fresh life has been completed in Beijing for nearly 100 good neighbors, and the average daily volume growth after the transformation has reached 130%. Entering a convenience store for two years can have such an achievement, thanks in part to its accumulation in the cross-border e-commerce stage.
In 2014, Xiao Xin switched from investing in the sea to doing cross-border e-commerce, which was mainly based on two points:
First, his investment experience in Hong Kong for more than ten years has accumulated a lot of overseas supplier resources, and he has a certain understanding of overseas products. He also has experience in financing or IPO implementation of e-commerce companies such as Vipshop, Jumeiyou and so on;
Second, from 2014 to 2015, the policy level has been releasing good information on cross-border trade. During this time, the ocean terminal and the small red book are also rising rapidly. In 2014, it was called the first year of cross-border e-commerce. .
2. From organizer to empowerer: Restructuring organizers is the biggest value of new retail
Although domestic convenience stores have developed rapidly in recent years, many regional convenience stores are still growing wildly. In terms of product quality and store creation, there is still a big gap between the 7-11 and the whole family. Fresh overseas product resources do have the ability to make up for this lack, but it is clearly focused on digital and traffic operations.
Compared with the transformation, Xiao Xin prefers to call the performance of fresh life as iteration. "When we started cross-border e-commerce, we faced a new market from scratch. Our goods and systems are ready-made. We just want to go in quickly. But we basically want to do retail, good. Things are brought to consumers. Isnt entrepreneurship an ongoing iterative process?



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