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.Intelligent warehousing and logistics


 Therefore, the timeliness between the connection of users and commodities is stronger and the experience is better. The better, the higher the efficiency of circulation. AI technology can predict a more accurate relationship between supply and demand through analysis of comprehensive data on products, events, marketing behaviors, price elasticity, and seasonality, and match demand to warehouses closest to consumers to minimize interzone transfers. The transfer between the internal warehouses in the region, while optimizing the allocation plan at the time of allocation, and minimizing the allocation costs, this is particularly important for the maintenance of large terminal stores.
Intelligent marketing and experience
1, buy and go
Enhance the user experience is AI provides the most forward-looking retail concepts. Bind the users identity and payment information for the first time, once bound to “guarantee life”, and in the process of shopping and payment, it will also use face recognition, image recognition and other technologies to ensure the users one-stop shopping experience. At present, although the shift from cashiers to e-payments has shortened the waiting time for consumers, artificial intelligence technology may once again break through the limits of technology and achieve a “just-in-time” solution to truly solve the “urgent urgency”. This means that shoppers pick up the goods on the shelf, and after confirming through the system “sweeping”, they can leave the store directly, and later through identity matching and item identification. The system will automatically deduct the cost of shopping bags from the bank account and send emails. receipt.
2, dynamic tracking
Based on technologies such as visual equipment and processing systems, dynamic Wi-Fi tracking, sensors throughout the store, and passenger flow analysis systems, real-time monitoring of physical store traffic, crowd density, and sales efficiency can be performed to detect customers age, gender, behavior, and billing wait time. Secondly, it can identify abnormal phenomenon in the store and statistically analyze the heat map of the shopping area, so as to track the sales of a certain product, count the number of visits and consumption times of the product, and analyze the target population for the product. The characteristics of the product are consumers. Focus on real-time sales.
3, simplifies consumer behavior
Consumers purchase intentions and consumption decisions often change according to their own circumstances. They may not even be reflected in previous behaviors and previous communication, but because they are in a certain situation, they quickly reach a purchase. This kind of unplanned or impulsive consumption is more difficult to grasp and predict. Now that some AI-based application apps have emerged, the greatest possibility in the future is that AI acts as a consumer agent and makes choices. Brands provide consumers with various benefits through AI. AI helps consumers compare various kinds of offers, and ultimately makes purchasing choices. The entire consumer behavior process will become simple, time-saving and efficient.
Smart customer service
1, personalized recommendation
Based on "smart screening", not only user registration information, purchase records, personal preferences and other data can be used to determine the users buying habits, but also the users emotional state, emotional bias, and other perceptual factors. Under the comprehensive consideration, members can provide personalized purchases. Recommendations, and as the data system collects more data on customers, the more complete the users portraits, and these data and labels can be subdivided into customer groups, which is conducive to targeting specific groups for targeted holiday marketing and customized services.
2, voice recognition
Smart customer service plays a very important role, it can help artificial customer service to improve the efficiency of solving problems, so that "a thousand dollars." In the past, often the owner of the customer service, sales and maintenance services at the same time, hard-hearted. When artificial intelligence also serves as the role of customer service, division of labor can be more effectively separated. Customized product recommendations based on customer information, and provide order modification, returns, refunds, and other services to communicate with customers just like real people




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